Category Archives: Sleep


Do you want to have a peaceful holiday season? Are you already stressed out about the holidays? Do you know anyone who has all their gifts bought and wrapped right after Cyber Monday? Can you relate to those people who are completely decorated for Christmas or Hanukkah after the Thanksgiving dishes are cleaned up? Or […]

When is the right time to sleep train?

WHEN SHOULD I SLEEP TRAIN MY CHILD? When should I sleep train my child? This is a question I get asked a lot as a postpartum doula and sleep consultant. Unfortunately, I can’t answer this question without knowing all the details. The most important 2 things to consider are: is your baby ready and are […]

Daylight Saving…Time to fall back

I know some of you dread this time of year each year. I know I do! I don’t like it when it gets darker earlier. It makes me feel lazy and as the weather starts to get “colder” in Southern California, I just want to be inside when it gets dark. Sometimes it is hard […]